I traveled to Seattle, Washington last weekend to see the tree that was the subject of the last post–a common juniper named ‘CJ’. Eight bonsai artists from the Pacific Northwest Bonsai Clubs Association in Oregon were invited to show our trees from July 17th through August 5th. I’ll try to guide you through the trees as they appeared in the exhibit plus a few more from the permanent collection that were on display. I have to tell you that it was a typical cloudy day and the sun broke through as we were driving away from our visit 😦  Here are some images for you; be sure to click on the image if it appears cropped on the right:


A little crooked, but a shot of the entry to the collection


The show banner, just inside the entry


A nice ginkgo by Dean Burkhardt


A bunjin juniper by Bob Laws


This is one of Dennis Vojtilla’s trees; I’m not sure what it is, but I thought he said he was going to show a maple.


A Ponderosa pine from Randy Knight


Another offering from Dennis Vojtilla; again unsure what species this is.


A Shimpaku juniper by Lee Cheatle


A bunjin Scots pine from John Jaramillo


Lodgepole pine from Scott Elser, who took first place at the National Show earlier this summer in Rochester, New York


Here’s an overview shot to give you some perspective of the space given to each tree and display


My common juniper on the left paired with Diane Lund’s boxwood


My common juniper


My good friend Margie Kinoshita was along to get a shot of me and the tree 😉


An apple from Bob Laws. This is an air layer from a tree in his yard


Scott Elser’s Mountain hemlock; I believe this tree was also shown at the National Show in Rochester, New York in June

That was it for our aspect of the show, I hope you like what you see. It is such an honor to be included to show in an amazing setting for bonsai…it’s very quiet there and what I like best of all–admission is free!

And as promised, here are some shots of trees from the permanent collection. I’ll try my best to name the species when I can:


Margie admiring an atlas cedar…a big one!


Japanese white pine


A large Japanese beech. I notice most of my photos have a slant to them…better bring the tripod next time 😉


This guy comes in at just under two meters–a large Sierra juniper


A large Japanese black pine from Amy Liang


Massive Trident maple


A Procumbens juniper raft on a rock by John Naka


Eastern white cedar. Love the pot. Large tree


Coast live oak. Fantastic trunk with great movement and shari


Shimpaku forest


Coast redwood, Sequoiadendron sempervirens


Mountain hemlock. Great tree/pot combination


Vaughan Banting’s flat-top bald cypress complete with lichen dangling from its branches


A large yew on its own pedestal on the ground; nice hollow trunk with a twist


Large hemlock, maybe western. Very interesting hollow base trunk

That’s all I’ve got, I hope you enjoyed the tour!